Monday, August 13, 2012

An Enemy of the People Post 1

Dr. Stockmann's moral dilemma between justice and his money to support his family.
Just as Dr. Stockmann is faced with the moral and material dilemma of choosing between what he believes is morally “right” versus what is “financially” right for his family, I understand the difficult choice that he has to make.  Very similarly, I understand that my father who owns and manages Vincent Farms, a vegetable produce farm operation, must face these types of decisions on a daily basis.  With consumers today expecting produce to be perfect: watermelons free of blemishes and sweet corn free of worms; my father has to determine how much pesticide and herbicide he must use to create the product that he will sell. 
The Governor of Delaware talking to me (camouflage hat with white polo t-shirt) and visiting our family produce farm to examine our quality of vegetables.  My dad is the man in the blue VF collared shirt with his camouflage hat who is pleased with the evaluation.
Selling his products lead to the financial rewards that allow him to sustain our family’s standard of living.  We are able to live in a nice farmhouse, have lots of vehicles, and enjoy many vacations.  However, he is always faced with the constant watchful eye of the Department of Natural Resources that scrutinizes use of chemicals and the runoff that can possibly harm and damage our land and animals.  Ultimately, I wonder what the long-term, un-researched effect of the regular human consumption of fresh produce with pesticides and herbicides really is.  Will man someday realize that the small build-up of these chemicals in our body contributes to the cancer and other various diseases that are so widespread today?  Similarly, Stockmann has to weigh his personal conviction to publicly report the poisonous contamination of the spring water for the higher good of the health of everyone against the personal harm such a report would cause his family who would become victims of retaliation. 
Peter Stockmann attempts to force Dr. Stockmann to keep the information of the contaminated water from not being publicly released.
It really is a fine balance between long-term health implications and immediate financial profitability.
Dr. Stockmann believes that his family should stand strong against the harassment from the public.

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